How chiropractic can help you...

Have Sciatic Pain or Discomfort?

Posted: October 21, 2016

Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) medicine regularly treat sciatica. Sciatica is characterized by pain that originates in the low back or buttock that travels into one or both legs. Sciatic nerve pain varies in intensity and frequency; minimal, moderate, severe and occasional, intermittent, frequent or constant.

Pain is described as dull, achy, sharp, toothache-like, pins and needles or similar to electric shocks. Other symptoms associated with sciatica include burning, numbness and tingling sensations. Sciatica is also called radiating or referred pain, neuropathy, or neuralgia. A misconception is that sciatica is a disorder; however, sciatica is really a symptom of a disorder.

Sciatica Is Caused by Nerve Compression
Sciatica is generally caused by sciatic nerve compression. Disorders known to cause sciatic nerve pain include lumbar spine subluxations (misaligned vertebral body/ies), herniated or bulging discs (slipped discs), pregnancy and childbirth, tumors, and non-spinal disorders such as diabetes, constipation, or sitting on one's back pocket wallet.

One common cause of sciatica is piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome is named after the piriformis muscle. The piriformis muscle is located in the lower part of the spine, connects to the thighbone, and assists in hip rotation. The sciatic nerve runs beneath the piriformis muscle. This muscle is susceptible to injury from a slip and fall, hip arthritis, or a difference in leg length. Such situations can cause cramping and spasm to develop in the piriformis muscle, thereby pinching the sciatic nerve and causing inflammation and pain.

Sciatic nerve compression may result in the loss of feeling (sensory loss), paralysis of a single limb or group of muscles (monoplegia), and insomnia.

Proper Diagnosis of Sciatica Is Essential
Since there are many disorders that cause sciatica, the chiropractor's first step is to determine what is causing the patient's sciatica. Forming a diagnosis involves a thoughtful review of the patient's medical history, and a physical and neurological examination.

Diagnostic testing includes an x-ray, thermography scan, and a 3-point analysis scan of your feet. These examinations and tests help to detect possible contraindications to spinal adjustments and other chiropractic therapies.

Chiropractic Treatment of Sciatic Symptoms
The purpose of chiropractic treatment is to help the body's potential to heal itself. It is based on the scientific principle that restricted spinal movement leads to pain and reduced function and performance. Chiropractic care is non-invasive (non-surgical) and drug-free.

The type of chiropractic therapy provided depends on the cause of the patient's sciatica. Below are more details on these chiropractic treatment modalities.

  • Ice/Cold therapy reduces inflammation and helps to control sciatic pain.
  • Adjustments (Spinal Manipulation) At the core of chiropractic care are spinal adjustments. Manipulation frees restricted movement of the spine and helps to restore misaligned vertebral bodies to their proper position in the spinal column. Spinal adjustment helps to reduce nerve irritability responsible for causing inflammation, muscle spasm, pain, and other symptoms related to sciatica. Adjustments should not be painful. Spinal manipulation is proven to be safe and effective.

In college and during their training, students of chiropractic learn many different adjustment techniques enabling them to treat several types of subluxations and disorders. Techniques vary from a swift high velocity thrust to those that combine minimal force and gentle pressure. Mastery of each technique is an art that requires great skill and precision. Spinal manipulation is the treatment that differentiates chiropractic care from other medical disciplines.


6 Ways to Improve Your Mood Naturally

Posted: October 21, 2016

6 Ways to Improve Your Mood Naturally


Wondering what can improve your mood? Give chiropractic care a try.

Ever feel like you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed, angry or displeased without much reason? You’re not alone. But instead of reaching for stimulants like coffee and tea or continuing the day in a bad mood, consider what you can do to change how you feel, naturally.

The best part? You can do each of these things in just a few minutes—how’s that for a positive return on your investment?

1. Laugh
There’s a lot of truth to the old saying “laughter is the best medicine”—it’s a proven fact that laughter lowers stress hormones.

2. Listen to Music
Even if you’re not in the mood for it, listening to upbeat music can help you feel better. But the key is to try to relax—let yourself enjoy the music instead of asking whether or not you’re starting to feel better.

3. Take a Pre-Work Walk
Getting your body up and moving helps release mood-enhancing endorphins. This also gives you a chance to take in some much-needed Vitamin D from the sun.

4. Clear Your Desk
Did you know that cluttered spaces could cause you to lose focus and productivity, be it in the office or at home? Keeping your desk space clean can help prevent that.

5. Get Some Sleep
When you’re back home after a long day, make sure you get to bed at a reasonable hour and keep your nighttime ritual the same aiming for 8 hours of slumber.

6. Get Adjusted
Chiropractic care can benefit things like poor sleep, achy joints and muscles and back pain among others. If you’re not feeling your best, contact our practice today to schedule an appointment.

We look forward to helping you!